Fast2Up - Easy way to share your files

Permanent retention of your files

Store and share files of any size, with an instant access whenever you need it.
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Why Choose Us?

We always care about keeping our customer files very well with many backups

Unlimited storage

Fast2Up provides unlimited storage with premium memberships and keeps files for life

Unlimited file upload

You can upload unlimited files within your account and keep them permanently without deleting them permanently

Share direct links

You can easily share direct links with all free and paid site memberships

Unlimited download

Download the files from anywhere, anytime, with no Bandwidth and speed limit with CDN technology.

Extensive statistics

Complete statistics through which you can track the source of your visits in terms of countries and number of downloads

Support 24/7

Our website provides continuous support via WhatsApp, Facebook, live chat, or sending us an email.

Our App Features And Performance

Upload Files

Upload your files easily through the application with Speed UNLimited.

Fast and Smooth

Experience fast performance and a user-friendly interface.


Get instant notifications about updates, important actions, and also about the withdrawal of your profits.

App Screenshot
User Interface

A clean, intuitive interface to manage your account and settings.

Extensive statistics

Complete statistics through which you can track the source of your visits in terms of countries and number of downloads

More Features

Through the application, you can communicate with us directly and quickly via live chat

What are you waiting for!?

Register and start uploading your files now!

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